We help to find
your investment path

You want to diversify your portfolio and grow your investments.

We will share our knowledge of investing and help you find the investment path that suits you best.

We create convenient access to global markets and securities, as well as opportunities in over-the-counter trading, local success stories, and alternative asset classes.

Investment management services are provided by Redgate Wealth

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Redgate Wealth Services

Discretionary portfolio management

Discretionary portfolio management refers to the management of a portfolio composed of securities based on the investment mandate given by the client. We create a personalized investment strategy to achieve the client’s objectives, based on their risk tolerance, financial situation, and appropriate time horizon. We manage the assets on behalf of the client, using liquid and diversified instruments, aiming for returns that meet client’s expectations.

Dependent investment advisory

Investment advisory refers to providing personal recommendations about securities-related transactions. The investment advisor gives advice on what investment decisions to make, which the client then approves. We create a personalized investment strategy to achieve the client’s objectives, based on their risk tolerance, financial situation, and appropriate time horizon.

Note From 01.02.2025, no new contracts for investment advisory services will be concluded.

Securities transactions and safekeeping

Discretionary portfolio management and investment advisory clients generally safekeep securities in a Redgate account. Clients who wish to trade securities themselves or subscribe to securities distributed through us are not required to safekeep securities on our account, but they may. Through us, clients can acquire various listed and unlisted securities, such as bonds, stocks, or fund units, and safekeep them in their Redgate account. At Redgate, your assets are securely held. We operate under a license issued by the Estonian Financial Supervision and Resolution Authority, and investments safekept at Redgate are protected by the Investor Protection Sectoral Fund up to €20,000.

Our values:

1. Client-Centricity. Your interests are always our priority. We apply our expertise according to your needs, taking into account the “big picture” of your assets. We ensure that all the information we provide to our clients is objective and reliable.

2. Expertise. Our team has decades of experience in the financial sector. We have a deep understanding of how financial markets operate, especially in the area of corporate bonds.

3. Professionalism. Each member of our team strives for the best outcome. Both as a team and individually, we always adhere to high ethical standards.

4. Openness. We are always available to you, ready to respond to your changing needs and adjust our services accordingly. We keep our clients informed about the market and their investments and are open to questions and discussions.

5. Analysis. Our decisions and recommendations are always based on the analysis we conduct, and we provide clients with the necessary information about investment opportunities and the risks associated with them.

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